Windshield Replacement with Glass Insurance
Windshield Replacement with Glass Insurance

Windshield Replacement with Glass Insurance

Saving Big on Windshield Replacement with Glass Insurance

Windshield replacement with glass insurance can be as simple as filing a claim through an insurance approved auto glass shop like Superior Replacement Windows. However, Arizona’s laws add a unique added benefit of requiring Arizona auto insurance providers to offer a zero-deductible option to qualified policy holders. Our experts will help you understand auto glass coverage and how it can result in huge savings when you need your windshield replaced in Arizona.

Understanding Arizona’s Windshield Replacement Laws

Arizona requires insurers to offer $0 deductible glass coverage with comprehensive car insurance. This covers repairs and replacements, including ADAS recalibration after a windshield replacement. This is beneficial since recalibration can be expensive.

Why is this important?

Arizona roads are known for debris, leading to windshield damage. Normally, you’d have to pay cash or a large deductible for glass replacement with insurance. This can be a large financial burden when you consider the cost of windshield replacement and additional services like ADAS camera calibration for modern vehicles. But Arizona insurance regulations eliminate out of pocket costs for Arizona drivers. This provides valuable financial protection from glass damage.

Zero Deductible: Does It Mean Free?

Yes, a zero deductible means free windshield replacement for qualifying damage as stated by Arizona’s zero-deductible windshield policy. This is a huge perk for those with comprehensive coverage, especially for luxury vehicles, SUVs, exotic sports cars and electric vehicles that carry expensive windshield replacement costs.

Should You Always Go for the Zero Deductible Option?

While attractive, it might not always be the best choice. Your situation plays a crucial role. Consider various factors such as the year, make and model of your vehicle before making a decision. If you drive a Mercedes for example, a windshield replacement with recalibration could cost well over $1,500. Filing a “no-fault” claim for a cracked windshield won’t raise your rates, thanks to ARS 20-263. Small rock chips can quickly turn into long cracks requiring a full windshield replacement.

Assessing Your Individual Needs

If you drive often, it’s likely you’ll need to replace your windshield every 2-3 years on average. For commuters who drive to work or school every day, a zero-deductible option is beneficial. Check with an insurance company if you’re the damage to your windshield qualifies. This covers repairs when a rock cracks your windshield and meets the requirements set forth by Repair of Laminated Automotive Glass Standard (ROLAGS™).

A cracked windshield isn’t just unsightly; it can also result in fines when you are stopped by Arizona DPS officers. A cracked windshield can be a convenient excuse for a traffic stop and potential violation. A comprehensive auto insurance policy with glass coverage will make windshield replacement a much easier decision by eliminating the financial burden at the time of the damage.

Claims and Your Premium

Another factor is how claims impact premiums. The effect varies by insurer and state law. Few windshield claims likely won’t raise your rate, especially with comprehensive coverage. Be sure to discuss any windshield replacement claim implications and auto claim reporting processes with your individual insurance provider and glass claims specialist or business insurance professional. Insurance companies can sometimes change what services policy coverages support over time and individual companies offer differing terms in some cases as well, especially those specific to windshield general or commercial coverage guidelines, laws, deductibles or stipulations.

Navigating Insurance for Commercial Vehicles

Arizona business owners can also leverage this law for commercial vehicles. Research and choose policies carefully. Commercial auto insurance from a trusted provider is crucial.

Windshield Repair vs. Replacement

Repairing minor damage is usually cheaper than full replacement. Several factors affect the ultimate cost. Progressive notes that rock chips become cracks, so prompt repairs prevent extensive windshield damage.

Consider consulting a specialist about repair versus replacement. The cost differs between the two options. Repair might save you money if feasible. Remember, repairing a small chip now may prevent further problems, including a potential need for later replacement with costs far exceeding repair.

Report your claim by requesting a free windshield replacement quote online to schedule a repair or replacement appointment. Working with trusted glass repair company is important, especially if they handle any required ADAS recalibration after the windshield replacement. Finding such shops may feel daunting, however asking around in forums with auto enthusiasts may save time and help drivers avoid any potential fines associated with broken windshields as specified by local and state laws.

Cost of Windshield Replacement

Even with Arizona’s law, understand potential costs. Kelly Blue Book (KBB) estimates basic replacements cost $300-$600. Advanced systems or specialized glass increase the price. Check to see what expenses may arise for issues where the car insurance does not cover the glass damage or if the auto glass damage is something one cannot find auto insurance to fully or appropriately cover for them based on state coverage laws, requirements and/or their particular driving record.

Windshield Replacement with Glass Insurance: Steps to Take

  1. Assess the damage: Is it a small chip or a major crack?.
  2. Contact your insurance provider: Discuss zero-deductible options and ADAS recalibration requirements. Clarify claims processes and practices with your insurance agent. Discuss filing an insurance claim with your agent before seeking insurance deductible or other support via non-insurance financial sources or paying expenses on your own for any windshield-related issue or damage that can also incur related complications for insurance coverage, policy cover renewal or claims. Investigate carefully ahead of any and all major auto, insurance and auto glass insurance or commercial vehicle repairs and related procedures to avoid unforeseen difficulties.
  3. Find a Qualified Repair Shop: Check the shop’s claim procedure and payment terms. Some handle claims directly; others direct you to companies like Superior Replacement Windows. Review repair and claims information beforehand when getting repair estimates related to insurance.
  4. Schedule the Repair or Replacement: Choose a convenient time based on shop availability. Account for post-repair cure time before driving to ensure safety. Review any liability insurance, requirements and/or exclusions prior to confirming repair dates.


Windshield replacement with glass insurance is unique in Arizona. The zero-deductible option offers valuable protection. Knowing local regulations, such as those for cracked windshields, keeps you informed. The zero-deductible auto glass repair, glass repair, and replacement option simplifies things for vehicle owners since they do not have to look for specific small business insurance providers for a repair. Understanding your auto glass coverage gives you confidence on Arizona roads. Leveraging the $0 glass coverage within your comprehensive plan offers peace of mind, especially when driving frequently on routes like the I-10 between Phoenix and Tucson.

Call one of our glass claim agents to get started with your windshield replacement with auto insurance process.

CALL (602) 777-3717for a free instant quote