Learn How to Save on Glass Replacement Services in Phoenix

As a homeowner or business owner, it’s difficult to determine how much window repair or glass replacement services should cost. Many consumers call and are surprised at the cost to replace a window or repair glass, however, when you are working with a licensed contractor, you are paying for the piece of mind the company has insurance, they have registered the business with the ROC and will warranty their products and services. While you may be able to find a better deal by doing some leg work and hiring a handyman in the parking lot of Home Depot, working with glass can be a dangerous endeavor and should be left to a professional glazier.

Average Cost of Window Glass Repair

While there are a many variables involved, the average cost to replace a pane of window glass is about $300. If you are working with Superior Replacement Windows, the cost includes a glass removal, disposal, installation and written warranty.

The cost can vary based on the following:

  • Single pane vs. Dual pane glass
  • Clear glass vs. Colored glass or Low-e coatings
  • Stock size vs. custom size
  • Annealed glass vs. Tempered glass
  • Glass replacement vs. Full Window replacement
  • Size of the glass (may require multiple glaziers for installation)
  • Location of the glass (may require scaffolding and multiple glaziers for installation)

Replacing the entire window, including the frame would increase the average cost to about $1000 depending on the window types and features. If you aren’t certain of the options available in your situation, it’s best to have a glazier inspect your windows and provide various solutions to the problem.

Is There A Way to Get Cheap Window Repair?

While most of the costs are associated with type of glass, size of the glass and installation requirements, costs can be minimized by selecting less expensive glass types with no low-e coatings. In some cases this may not match the rest of the home and you’ll be stuck with one window that stands out among the rest. Some homeowners take the opportunity to upgrade to a higher grade of glass and Low-e coatings depending on the sun exposure of the window.

Luckily, during the month of December, Superior Replacement Windows is having a sale on their window repair and glass replacement services. You’ll get 15% off home window repair which includes window glass replacement for houses in the Phoenix area and surrounding cities. For a list of the home window repair services included in the special offer, please click here.

December Home Window Repair Special Offer:

To schedule an appointment or learn more about the cost of window repair, please contact us.

CALL (602) 777-3717for a free instant quote